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CIBike New/Renew Membership Application
Why join CIBike?
Following are some of the many advantages of belonging to CIBike:Additionally, your membership dollars support the outreach, advocacy, and engagement by CIBike. CIBike is actively engaged with law enforcement and local transportation authorities to promote bicycle-friendly communities that support safe, comfortable and convenient bicycling for people of all ages and abilities.
CIBike, with funds raised through membership dues and the Cool Breeze Century, is actively improving cycling for all. Please join with us!
For payment by check (NOT ENCOURAGED), please contact Membership Manager <> and DO NOT proceed with online application.
Liability Waiver - Agree before proceeding:
I acknowledge that cycling is an inherently dangerous sport in which I participate at my own risk and that the CIBike is a non-profit corporation formed to advance the sport of cycling, the efforts of which directly benefit me. In consideration of this agreement of the CIBike to accept me as member, hereby on behalf of myself, my heirs, assigns, and personal representatives, I release and forever discharge the CIBike, its employees, officers, directors, agents, members, sponsors, promoters, and affiliates from any and all liability, claim, loss, cost or expense, and waive and promise not to sue on such claims against any such person or organization arising directly or indirectly from or attributable in any legal way to any negligence, action, or organization in connection with sponsorship, organization, or execution of any bicycling ride, event, or race, including travel to and from such event, in which I participate as a rider, club, member, or spectator.